4 of my 5 URLs have been approved by LinkWorth.Com

Jumat, 26 Oktober 2007

Today I received 5 emails from LinkWorth.Com. And I'm quite happy as knowing 4 of 5 URLs that I submitted yesterday have been approved! This Blogging Diary is one of them:

Congratulations! Your website:Blogging Diary - bloggingdiary.blogspot.com has been approved for the LinkWorth Partner program. You are now able to publish our LinkAds on your website. If you have any questions, please submit a ticket support@linkworth.com.
...Your site has been approved. We look forward to doing business with you.

And for the unapproved one I got this additional comment about the declined reason: There is not enough content. (Hehehe.... of course, there is just one entry posted!).

I have to learn several tips for the new listings. Yeaaah... I still don't know about their service yet. ***

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